By Janette Lindz

Finding the right massage therapy supply items is one of the most important things you have to consider in massage therapy. With all the suppliers and massage therapy supply distributors out there, how do you know that you're in good hands?

Suppliers and Distributors

Read the claims and advertisements carefully. A lot of massage therapy supply companies have the same claims. No company will be modest and tell you that their products are only half as good as the competition's. You should then expect to read a lot of words like, "best," "large scale", "quality," affordable," and "leading." The problem now is finding out which companies can really live up to their ads. There are of course auctioneers and small time businesses that will also honestly sell you a limited line of products. You would however want only the best massage therapy supply items so you should be ready to spend a little more.

Doing Online Shopping

The internet provides for most - if not all - of your needs including massage therapy supply items. Thus, it won't be surprising if you find a busy massage therapist scouting the net for supplies before shopping in brick and mortar massage shops. Even physical store shops now feel the need to hawk their wares online or they'll get left behind by competition. The problem however with online advertisements is that they can even be more misleading especially for the inexperienced. You should therefore take note of a couple of good online shopping tips.

- Directories of massage therapy supply items can provide you with a complete list of suppliers and distributors. You could look at some directories and pick out several companies. This will allow you to compare stocks, prices and additional services.

- Always meticulously check the websites of suppliers that you are considering. You can often tell the difference between amateurs and professional companies just by looking at their sites. Good massage therapy supply companies will give you comprehensive lists of products and descriptions. They can also be easily contacted and will gladly and quickly provide you additional information or advice.

- The internet is one gigantic virtual world of shops and one advantage of buying online is the convenience. All you have to do is click a button and wait for your purchase to be delivered. If you are a first time customer though, it would make better sense to make an initial visit to a massage therapy supply company's showroom. Inspect their merchandise and ask for samples. If a company does not have a showroom than ask for a catalogue and some samples.

Conventions and Associations

An enthusiastic but first time practitioner should also always ask the advice of people who are already experienced at massage therapy supply shopping. You can do this by contacting associations and asking for tips or by simply logging on to professional forums.

Joining conventions and conferences is a great way to meet other massage enthusiasts as yourself. Trade shows will not only let you sample massage therapy supply products but you will also get a chance to test tools and equipment and ask questions. Conventions are the perfect time for you to roll out your long list of questions and get instant answers from retailers and manufacturers. Once you find the equipment and supplies you like, you simply have to ask for ordering details.

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