By Wade Henderson

Capital investments deal exclusively with the acquisition of private equity. Private equity refers to companies that are not publicly traded in the markets. Capital investment is often confused with venture capital, however this one deals more with providing funding to start-up businesses.

Its operations are done by purchasing shares from existing shareholders, and by providing new funds to the company, in the form of subscription of shares newly issued by it.

Venture capitalists do not seek to keep their private equity forever. Depending on the industry, venture capitalists would stay a minimum of 3 years and a maximum of 10 in an industry. They leave the society by selling their shares.

The shares to which we are referring to are called private equity. Contrary to public shares which are financial guarantees of companies publicly traded in the market. Bonds are a type of private equity that has limited liquidity and which are more difficult to sell. Capital investment frequently uses only private equity because it provides more profit in the long run.

Capital investment using private equity has three branches each one with different characteristics and focus of action:

Venture Capital is one of them. It is used to provide funding to small privately traded companies in order to help them during their first stages of development. Venture capitalists prefer to fund companies that would provide greater amounts of return and that have innovative ideas and new technology. Although many projects fail, the ones that succeed motivate venture capitalists to continue investing.

Development capital: a logical extension of venture capital, capital development focuses on the established companies, with a historical account, a significant size and position on existing markets. The funding is used for internal growth or external company.

Capital Transmission: also known under the generic term of leveraged buy-out of these operations is to acquire shares in a company so as to convey the property. These operations can be performed with a more or less important for financing by bank loans, in which we talk of takeovers with leverage effect, known as LBO or leveraged buy-out.

Capital returns are capital investments given to companies that have promising futures and that need to restructure their entire operations. These funds are also another form of leveraged buy-out.

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